It is Basketball Season!!!We love shooting sports. We love shooting just about every other type of photography as well, but High School Sports holds a special place in my heart. I love the fans, the gyms and the players and coaches that make it all happen. This year we wwere asked to be the "official" photographer for both the Boys and Girls Grand Ledge, MI teams. Pretty cool. We have been the un-official photographer of a lot of high school teams and have been hired by serveral parents to come and photograph their children at various school functions, so this a first, and we are honored :) . Anyway. Here are a few of the highlights from some of the games! Be sure to check out photos from all the Grand Ledge Events we cover on our Zenfolio site.
Molly Buffington(non-registered)
My daughter is on the JV team and I have enjoyed looking at the pictures of the freshman girls on up through varsity. These are great. Thanks for taking such great pictures !
David & Roberta Jones Sr(non-registered)
We are looking forward to this. Thanks for your time, the pictures are awesome!
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